Helping the LBGT Community Secure What’s Rightfully Theirs

Few social issues have progressed over the course of history faster than equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Atlantic’s investments over 9 years provided crucial support to organizations in the Republic of Ireland and South Africa working to change laws and attitudes and remove other barriers so that LGBT people could enjoy the same rights and protections as their fellow citizens.



Making Life Better for People with Disabilities

Atlantic’s grant-making on behalf of people with disabilities has focused on ensuring their rights are being fully met and making the public and government aware of the discrimination they experience when their needs are ignored.



Protecting the Rights of Migrants and Immigrants

Across the world, people are uprooting themselves seeking better lives in other countries. Yet, millions of migrants are often denied basic rights and face discrimination and exploitation. Atlantic’s investments have supported groups advocating for policy reform and working to build opportunity, providing hope and promoting dignity for millions of these most vulnerable, marginalised and undervalued individuals.



Real Rights Are More Than Words on Paper

When Atlantic began its grant making in Northern Ireland in 1991, the violence known as the Troubles had been going on for more than two decades. Atlantic learned that the key to effective peacebuilding and reconciliation is supporting progressive forces at the grassroots level, including those closest to the conflict, and addressing the harm suffered from inequalities. To reduce the chance of violence in the future, mechanisms and structures were put in place to protect human rights, address inequalities and promote reconciliation.