

Innovative Places That Solve Real World Problems

Atlantic invested in capital projects for higher education because of founder Chuck Feeney’s belief that brilliant, capable people who think big can achieve great things with the right support. At the same time, Atlantic supplemented those investments with grants for scholarships that made it possible for deserving students to benefit from the educational opportunities these institutions offered. Atlantic support also enabled many universities to attract renowned academics that helped institutions become world-class centers of learning.

Knowledge and learning

Knowledge and learning

Brightening the Research Landscape

Atlantic’s investments in Ireland’s universities grew out of Chuck Feeney’s belief they would help the country develop a knowledge economy needed to compete in the world. The investment in PRTLI initiated a massive investment in research, creating international quality institutions, transforming the research landscape and producing world class research and PhDs.

Knowledge application

Knowledge application

A Smart Way to Help Make a Better World

Atlantic focuses on helping produce the best and brightest minds, create new knowledge and make breakthrough discoveries in fields such as science and medicine. The payoff has been stronger economies, scientific progress and improved health care, especially for disadvantaged and vulnerable people.