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Lisa Griffith

DRI Director

Black and white photo of Lisa Griffith

Research Interests: Digital archiving and preservation, Open Research, FAIR data, history, archives, Community Archives, urban history, Irish history, Digital Humanities, digital cultural heritage,  training and education

Qualifications: PhD History (Trinity College Dublin), MA Early-Modern History (University College Dublin), BA Arts (University College Dublin), Certificate in Training and Education (Maynooth University)



Dr Lisa Griffith is Director at the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI). She previously worked as the DRI membership manager and for five years as programme manager at DRI. She has a PhD in History and is a coordinator of the Dublin History Research Network. Lisa has also authored and edited four books on various aspects of Dublin history, including her most recent book Dublin: Then and Now (Pavilion Books, 2018), which traces changes in key cityscapes by pairing stunning archival images of Ireland’s capital with contemporary photographs. Lisa has a keen interest in book culture that has prompted her to deliver a series of podcasts, workshops, and walking tours as part of national events such as Culture Night and the Dublin Literature Festival. Lisa is a SCRUMstudy Agile Master Certified project manager and holds a certificate in Training and Continuing Education from Maynooth University.

Lisa came to DRI from roles in higher education and cultural heritage. She worked as a senior administrator in the Institute of Education, DCU, as a project manager for the Research Support Office also in Dublin City University, and she was coordinator of the Culture and Heritage Studies Programme at the National Print Museum where she taught modules on Heritage, Local History, Folklore, and Ethnography and Communications.

Expert/Advisory Roles:

  • Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) Advocacy and Community Engagement Sub-Committee (2022-present)
  • Registry of Deeds Digitisation Strategy Advisory Group (2022-present)
  • Cultural Heritage of Convents projects (2023-present)
  • Research Data Alliance (RDA) Funder Forum (2023-present)
  • Dublin City Culture Company Advisory Group (2021-2022)
  • NORF Grants Oversight Committee (2023-present)
  • NORF PID Taskforce (Chair) (2023-2024)
  • iPRES Steering Group (2024-present)
  • Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework (CDIF) Advisory Group (2024-present)


  • Coordinator of the Dublin History Research Network (2009-present)
  • Irish Museum Association (2022-present)

Conference Committees:

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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