Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Zoology, PGDip Internet System Development, MSc Econ Library and Info. Studies
DRI Role: DRI Board Member
Contact: david.kane@setu.ie
David Kane is the deputy librarian at South East Technological University (SETU) Waterford. David helps to maintain and develop innovative services for the learned community at SETU Waterford. He has been an active member of the library community in the higher education sector through the LIR group and other fora over the years. He was instrumental in bringing the Library Carpentry Curriculum to Ireland to help build capacity in data and computational skills among academic librarians. He was a member of the Library Carpentry Advisory Group.
As a strong advocate for open research and open access, David established one of the first open-access repositories in Ireland at Waterford and has been active in the National Open Research Forum (NORF), the Irish ORCID Steering Group, and the recently-established Irish Open Access Publishers – whose aim is to promote the diamond open access model.
David previously had roles in web development and systems administration before joining the library service.