Research Interests: Research Data Management, Digital Preservation, Collections as Data, Digital Humanities, History of Photography
Qualifications: PhD Art and Visual Culture (Western University), MA Photographic Preservation and Collections Management (Toronto Metropolitan University / George Eastman House Museum), BA Fine Art History (University of Toronto)
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Beth Knazook is the project manager, research data at the Digital Repository of Ireland where she is working to advance the Repository’s support for FAIR research data through alignment with European and international infrastructures and policies. She is currently participating in a FAIR-IMPACT support action dedicated to the development of national level FAIR action plans as well as leading the DRI’s Legacy Data Preservation Pilot, designed to make the Repository accessible to researchers with closed data projects at risk of loss.
Beth was previously the Work Package Lead for the Cultural Heritage Case Study (WP13) in the WorldFAIR Project, a Horizon Europe funded initiative to promote global cooperation on FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) data policy and practice. She was also a Task Lead on the EOSC Future Project, an EU-funded initiative to implement the European Open Science Cloud, aimed at giving European researchers wide access to FAIR data and related services.
In her past work, she was the preservation coordinator for the Portage Network, an organisation established by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries to foster a national research data culture through the provision of services and infrastructure (now a part of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada). She has also worked as the digitisation manager for Huron County Library and curator of special collections for Toronto Metropolitan University Library and Archives. She currently teaches professional development courses focused on managing and sharing photograph collections for Library Juice Academy and the Society of American Archivists.
Expert/advisory roles
- RDA Collections as Data Interest Group (2024- ), Co-chair
- KnowLedger Steering Committee (2024- )
- NORF PID Taskforce (2023-2024)
- RDA in Ireland Regional Group (2023- ), Coordinator
- RDA Organisational Assembly (2022- )
- Data Curation Network Big Data Interest Group (2021- )
- Digital Research Alliance of Canada Preservation Expert Group (2019-2023)
- Canadiana Trustworthy Digital Repository Audit Group (2021-2022)