Qualifications: Geology & Physical Geography BSc (Hons.) and MSc in GIS from The University of Edinburgh
DRI Role: DRI Board Member
Contact: anthony@discoveryprogramme.ie
Anthony Corns has been the technology manager for the Discovery Programme for the past twenty-three years and is responsible for the management of the applied technology research, including: project management, 3D data capture at a range of levels (aerial lidar, terrestrial scanning, close range scanning, SfM), GIS for cultural heritage, dataset management and archiving, metadata, promotion and dissemination of the use of technology within cultural heritage. He graduated in Geology & Physical Geography BSc (Hons.) and MSc in GIS from The University of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1997 and 1999 respectively.
Anthony has previously participated in several EU funded projects including: 3D-ICONS (CIP), ARIADNE & ARIADNEPlus (FP7/H2020), LoCloud (CIP), and ArchaeoLandscapes Europe (Culture 2007-2013), CHERISH (Climate, Heritage and Environments of Reefs, Islands, and Headlands, Irelan Wales Programme) and the ESFRI E-RIHS (European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science) project.
Anthony is currently chairman of the European CARARE (Connecting Archaeology and Architecture to Europe) Network, one of the domain aggregators for Europeana, and is participating in both the COST Action SEADDA (Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age) and the Europeana focused 5DCulture Project which is deploying and demonstrating a 3D cultural heritage space for Europe.
Anthony’s current research interests include the development of spatial data infrastructure for the reuse of spatial archaeology data and the use of multiscale remote sensing techniques in cultural heritage with particular focus on the monitoring and prospection of archaeology and monuments. The application of Machine Learning Models in cultural heritage is another area of interest, as is the development of standards and methods for the long term management and FAIR reuse of archaeological data.