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Sneak peek at EC FAIR Data Expert Group Report

Submitted on 18th November 2018


A presentation giving an overview of the upcoming European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group Report

From the EC FAIR data expert group, L-R: Sarah Jones, Athanasios Karalopolous (EC), Natalie Harrower, Francoise Genova, Simon Hodson


As a sneak peek into the upcoming report from the European Commission’s expert group on FAIR Data, members of the group (including DRI Director Natalie Harrower) presented the key recommendations on FAIR implementation at the International Data Week conference held in Gaborone, Botswana, 5-8 November 2018. The expert group has the mandate to articulate steps to “Turning FAIR data into reality,” and has written a FAIR Data Action plan to assist member states in determining their course of action. The report includes a clear and prioritised set of recommendations and concrete actions needed to turn the FAIR Data principles into reality. The report looks at the FAIR principles in a broad context, addressing infrastructure requirements, changes to research culture, skills, the role of domain expertise, and indicators to measure the progress on implementation.

The groups’s final report will be published during the European Open Science Cloud launch event held in Vienna, Austria on November 23. 

The presentation given by the group offers a preview of the report and recommendations: 

Turning FAIR into Reality: Final outcomes from the European Commission FAIR Data Expert Group


DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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