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Royal Irish Academy Research Day

Submitted on 7th September 2022

RIA Research Day

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is delighted to be participating in the Royal Irish Academy’s (RIA) first Research Open Day on 4 October. The Research Open Day aims to showcase the work of the Academy’s projects, library, and publications to the public through a rich programme of lectures and demonstrations.

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is delighted to be participating in the Royal Irish Academy’s (RIA) first Research Open Day on 4 October. The Research Open Day aims to showcase the work of the Academy’s projects, library, and publications to the public through a rich programme of lectures and demonstrations on how to use research resources. Academy staff members will be available to answer any queries. The event is free and all are welcome.

As part of the programme of presentations, DRI’s Clare Lanigan will be speaking about the Wellcome Trust-funded Archiving Reproductive Health digital preservation project. This project aims to provide long-term preservation and access to the many at-risk archives generated by grassroots women’s reproductive health movements during the campaign to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Constitution of Ireland. The preservation and publication of these collections add significantly to our understanding of women’s rights movements and the history of reproductive healthcare in Ireland and we are pleased to share this research project with the public.

As well as presentations, the DRI will be holding demonstrations as part of the event, on the topic of using the DRI as a resource for research data in the humanities and social sciences.

RIA Assistant Librarian Anita Cooper will be presenting on the Library’s collaboration with the Watercolour World and the DRI to digitally document and preserve selections from their significant antiquarian watercolour collections. The two postcard-sized albums deposited by the RIA Library in DRI contain forty-seven watercolours by the artist Gabriel Beranger from his expeditions around Dublin and a few surrounding counties. The watercolours provide a fascinating insight into the known world before photography and we invite you to explore the collections in the Repository.

Find out more about the Research Open Day programme on the RIA website.

Register for free on Eventbrite.

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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