Professor Rob Kitchin (NUIM), a member of DRI's Management Board, has been
Professor Rob Kitchin (NUIM), a member of DRI's Management Board, has been awarded a €2.3m grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for his project 'The Programmable City', which will analyse how technology influences how we live, work and operate in cities. He will be recruiting a team of post-doctoral reasearchers and PhD students to use the cities of Dublin and Boston as case studies. The ERC awarded €680 million to 302 researchers in Europe through its latest Advanced Grant competition.
Prof. Kitchin was interviewed on RTE's Morning Ireland today, and the award was covered by The Irish times, The Journal, and Silicon Republic, among others.
For more information about the project, read Rob's blog or follow him on Twitter @RobKitchin.