A Storify has been created to collect all tweets to do with the recent Open Science and Ireland event that DRI co-hosted with HRB.
DRI, under the aegis of the ALLEA e-Humanities Working Group and the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), co-organised a two-day Open Science event with The Health Research Board (HRB) on 27th and 28th June 2016. The event took place in the Royal Irish Academy and was well-attended by delegates from a broad range of academic institutions and research bodies. It was a successful event that built consensus around the urgent need for data stewardship and funding for data management and preservation, and there will be a follow-up report.
There was plenty of activity on Twitter on both days of the conference, centred around the hashtag #irlopensci and these are gathered in a Storify (embedded below). Tweets reflecting on the event's findings are still coming in and will be automatically added to the Storify.