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NORFest2023 Recordings and Slides Available

Submitted on 9th January 2024

Daniel Bangert speaking to an audience at the Royal Irish Academy Meeting Room

Recordings and slides are available for Ireland’s highly successful inaugural National Open Research Festival (#NORFest2023), which took place in front of a sold-out audience at the Royal Irish Academy, 2-3 November 2023.

The conference featured an exciting two-day programme of talks and workshops dedicated to the theme of open research. Highlights included a keynote talk titled ‘Opening Science’ by Dr Chelle Gentemann, science lead for NASA’s Transform to Open Science Mission and co-chair of the US White House Office for Science and Technology and Policy (OSTP) Sub-working group on the Year of Open Science. In her talk, Chelle focused on the importance of increasing access to knowledge through Open Science, remarking that:

‘Knowledge is power and when it is shared, we all win.’

Dr Chelle Gentemann, Science Lead for NASA’s Transform to Open Science Mission

The programme also featured a lively panel discussion on Early Career Researcher perspectives of open research and research assessment, lightning talks on initiatives supporting and fostering open research in Ireland, the launch of new projects awarded funding through the NORF Open Research Fund 2023, and a series of interactive workshops on different aspects of open research.

NORFest2023 was funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and was delivered with the support of the National Open Research Forum’s ( NORF) coordinating organisation, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI).

Watch recordings on DRI’s Vimeo channel., including the keynote address, lightning talks, and the launch of the National Open Research Fund 2023 projects.

Access presentation slides on the DRI Slideshare.

Watch the keynote address below.

Keynote Address at NORFest 2023 by Chelle Gentemann from NASA on ‘Opening Science’

Image: Dr Daniel Bangert addressing the attendees at NORFest2023 in the Meeting Room of the Royal Irish Academy

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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