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RDA Ireland Meet The Expert: Prof. Willie Donnelly. Wednesday 9 October, National Library of Ireland

Submitted on 7th September 2019


On Wednesday 9 October, President of Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), Professor Willie Donnelly will give a ‘Meet the Expert’ talk entitled: ‘The role of Open Science, Open innovation and Citizen Science in creating more inclusive and sustainable societies’. 

This lunchtime talk will begin at 1pm at the National Library of Ireland and is free and open to all, though registration is mandatory through the RDA Website.

About the talk:

Traditionally scientific advancement has been the preserve of third level institutions, research laboratories and industry. Europe (and Ireland) have invested huge amounts of taxpayer’s money in supporting scientific research and innovation on the basis that society ultimately benefits from this investment socially, culturally and economically. The European framework programme (and associated ERA) has ensured European leadership in the production of high impact scientific publications. However, the impact of the framework programme investment in translating its research output into innovation and economic impact is less impressive. Europe continues to perform behind other global regions in effectively translating academic research to economic impact. This is an issue of major concern to the European Commission. 

European Commissioner Moedas Research, Innovation and Science Policy (RISE) High Level Expert group, of which Prof. Donnelly is a member, have developed a number of reflections on the issues of Open Science, Open innovation, Open to the World (the 3 O’s) and their role in effectively bridging the divide between investment in research and economic and social development. Complementary to implementing the 3 0’s is the concept of citizen science which has the potential of completely redefining the relationship between the scientific community, the citizen and society. The talk will discuss the potential impact of these concepts on traditional research structures and metrics. In particular the talk will look at how traditional research models and structures such as journal publications, intellectual property and copy right and ownership must evolve to respond to this new knowledge creation and exploitation environment. It will also explore how such developments will impact on future national and international research investment strategies.

More on the 'Meet the Experts' series

The talk is part of the 'Meet the Experts' series organised by the RDA Ireland national node and hosted by the National Library of Ireland. The series shines a spotlight on national and international speakers and topics of relevance to different stakeholders and audiences working in the field of research data, Humanities and Social Sciences and Open Science. 

Visit the RDA Meetings & Events Page for information and updates.


DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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