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DRI Welcomes First ECR Board Member

Submitted on 23rd May 2023

Photo of Zenobie Garrett

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is pleased to welcome Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Zenobie Susanne Garrett as the first Early Career Researcher (ECR) to be appointed to the DRI Board

As a national infrastructure for the arts, social sciences, and humanities, DRI provides reliable, long-term, sustained access to social and cultural digital data. We make this data openly available in line with the FAIR data principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability as part of our commitment to supporting researchers at all stages of their careers. As the first ECR to join the DRI Board, Zenobie will add a valuable perspective to the DRI Board and will help to shape the priorities and direction of DRI as we continue to grow our support for the Irish research community. She said of her appointment: ‘I am excited for this opportunity to play a role in the preservation and promotion of Irish humanities and heritage research both within, and beyond, Ireland’.

Zenobie currently works as a postdoctoral researcher on ‘OS200: Digitally Re-Mapping Ireland’s Ordnance Survey Heritage’, a three-year project jointly funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), as part of a €6.5m programme of research bringing together world-leading expertise in the digital humanities across the UK and Ireland. The project aims to gather historic Ordnance Survey (OS) maps and texts from disparate archives in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to form a single freely accessible online resource for academic and public use. Zenobie’s expertise in three-dimensional data will be especially beneficial as DRI expands our work in the area of digital preservation of 3D models of museum artefacts, archaeological digs, historical buildings and other 3D data. 

The DRI Board fosters the long-term success of the DRI through encouraging the highest standard of corporate governance and accountability, providing guidance to the DRI Director on the strategic direction of the Repository with a view to the DRI’s long-term sustainability, and monitoring progress towards strategic goals and key performance indicators. The full DRI Board Terms of Reference is available in the Repository. 

To learn more about DRI’s Board members, please visit the DRI Board page on our website.

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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