The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is very pleased to announce the programme of speakers and workshops for this year’s Digital Preservation in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) conference, co-hosted with the University of Limerick and the Hunt Museum this coming June 27-28th in Limerick, Ireland.
Registration for DPASSH is now open
DAY 1 (Thursday, June 27th)
The Glucksman Library, University of Limerick
9.30 – 10.30 am
10.30 – 10.35 am
10.35 – 10.45 am
Registration, Tea & Coffee
Welcome to DPASSH & Housekeeping
Welcome to Limerick
Panel Session 1 – Preservation
10:45 am – 12:25 pm
Paper 1: Datafication and Cultural Heritage collections data infrastructures: Critical Perspectives on documentation, cataloguing and data-sharing in cultural heritage institutions
Daniel Belteki, Research Fellow, Science Museum
Arran Rees, Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Anna-Maria Sichani, Post Doc Research Associate in Digital Humanities, School of Advanced Study, University of London
Paper 2: Developing E-ARK specifications for 3D digital material: Collaborations across the European Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH) domain with the eArchiving Initiative
Janet Anderson, David Anderson, Highbury R&D, Ireland, and the eArchiving Initiative, the European Commission
Paper 3: The Contextualised Connection between Digital Documentation and final Research Outputs
Panagiotis Papageorgiou, University of Portsmouth
12:30 – 1:30 Lunch
Lightning Talks: Challenges & Opportunities / Exhibition Talk
1:30 – 2:30 pm
Talk 1: A Digital-First Approach for Kerby A. Miller Collection
Marie-Louise Rouget, University of Galway
Dr. Cillian Joy, University of Galway
Talk 2: The National Programme for enhanced digital access to cultural memory and local studies collections
Padraic Stack, Libraries Development, Local Government Management Agency
Talk 3: Gearing up: Exploring the potential roles and responsibilities of Collections as Data stewards in the context of Artificial Intelligence
Giulia Osti, University College Dublin
Amber Cushing, University College Dublin
Suzanne Little, Dublin City University
Talk 4: Reusing Digital Repository of Ireland Collections
Joan Murphy, Digital Repository of Ireland
Noelia Romero, Digital Repository of Ireland
Sinéad Keogh, University of Limerick
2:30 – 2:40 Break
Panel Session 2 – Data & Communities (concurrent with Panel Session 3)
2:40 – 4:15 pm
Paper 4: The Panorama du Congo: Digitising cultural heritage and decolonising the museum
Linda King, IADT
Paper 5: Sharing our data: toward making CHERISH open access through digital preservation
Lesley Davidson, The Discovery Programme
Paper 6: ‘Overcoming bias in colonial archives: Digital identities of marginalised voices Irish-Caribbean histories’
Margaret Brehony, University of Galway
Panel Session 3 – Heritage & Open Research (concurrent with Panel Session 2)
2:40 – 4:15 pm
Paper 7: Addressing Pedagogical Challenges in Educating Cultural Heritage Data Support Professionals
Seamus Ross, University of Toronto
Milena Dobreva, University of Strathclyde
Paper 8: Sharing Arts Practice FAIRly: Developing Best Practice Training and Guidance to Support the FAIR Dissemination of Arts Practice Research Outputs
Helen Phelan, University of Limerick
Paper 9: WorldFAIR Project: Exploring Process Documentation in Disciplinary Research–Events, Samples & Interactions
Beth Knazook, Digital Repository of Ireland
Debora Drucker, Embrapa
Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham
Leah McEwan, Cornell University
Laura Molloy, CODATA
6:00 – 8:00 Evening Reception and Keynote
The Hunt Museum, Limerick
6:00 – 7:00 pm
7:00 – 7:45 pm
Drinks Reception
Keynote Address: Advancing FAIR Principles at the Rijksmuseum: Enabling Access to Cultural Heritage Data
Dr. Coen Wilders, Rijksmuseum
8:15 Dinner
DAY 2 (Friday, June 28)
The Glucksman Library, University of Limerick
9:00 – 9:30 am
9:30 – 10:30 am
Workshop 1: Walking Through the Datasheet for Digital Cultural Heritage Datasets Template
Giulia Osti, University College Dublin
collections workflows
Workshop 2: Creating 3D Collections
Dermot Sheehan, Hunt Museum
hands-on workshops
Workshop 3: Supporting Legacy Data from HEI Researchers in Ireland
Beth Knazook, Digital Repository of Ireland
10:30 – 11:00 Tea & Coffee
11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Workshop 4: Collections-as-training-data: Generative AI, data protection and intellectual property in digital cultural heritage
Anna-Maria Sichani, Post Doc Research Associate in Digital Humanities, School of Advanced Study, University of London
collections workflows
Workshop 5: Intro to 3D Printing
University of Limerick
hands-on workshops
Workshop 6: ‘Empathy in the Archives’ discussion circle
Dr. Maeve O’Brien, Digital Repository of Ireland
12:00 – 2:00 Conference Wrap-up & Lunch