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The Digital Repository of Ireland becomes a Research Data Alliance Organisational Member

Submitted on 18th September 2018


As of August 2018, the Digital Repository of Ireland has officially become a Research Data Alliance organisational member. The DRI director, Dr. Natalie Harrower, will be representing DRI on the Organisational Assembly.

As of August 2018, the Digital Repository of Ireland has officially become a Research Data Alliance organisational member. The DRI director, Dr. Natalie Harrower, will be representing DRI on the Organisational Assembly.

Organisational members provide input and guidance to RDA, influencing its direction from the organisational perspective, while assisting in the implementation and adoption of the RDA Recommendations. Although individuals acting together in RDA Working Groups and Interest Groups produce RDA Recommendations and outputs, RDA Organisational members are ultimately the key drivers in data interoperability in their sectors who implement the global data exchange systems that RDA enables. They also amplify, direct, and promote RDA Recommendations for the greatest effect and utility in their communities.

DRI has been a long-time contributor to RDA and the European plugin projects into RDA. DRI has been a funded partner in the RDA Europe 3.0 and 4.0 projects via its administrative home at the Royal Irish Academy, and was the local host for the March 2014 RDA Plenary 3 in Dublin. Harnessing its expertise and international networks in humanities and social science data archiving and preservation, DRI works to build capacity in domains that are underrepresented in RDA’s membership and WG/IG structures, focusing on the engagement of researchers and data practitioners. In addition to providing data curation, archiving and long-term preservation services at a national level, the DRI is a community hub for knowledge-sharing, for driving the development of best practice guidelines and policy at national and European levels to support digital preservation, and for open and FAIR research data.

DRI is excited to join the RDA dynamic worldwide data community as an organisation and will continue to leverage its substantial reach and influence in social sciences and humanities communities and networks to engage researchers, funders and policy makers in RDA activities and discussion forums. DRI also encourages the adoption of the RDA guidelines and Recommendations at the national and international levels.

For more information visit

  • About RDA
  • RDA Organisational & Affiliate Members
  • DRI Projects
  • Research Data and DRI

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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