DRI's latest report – on building the DRI infrastructure – was released today to coincide with the final day of DPASSH
DRI's latest report – on building the DRI infrastructure – was released today to coincide with the final day of DPASSH: Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. For all DRI publications, please visit our Publications page.
This report outlines the technology choices made in building a robust and scalable infrastructure, including the storage cluster, physical virtual machine (VM) servers and a virtualised environment to host the various services required to deliver the repository functionality.
The report covers managing and preserving digital objects via the Hydra framework, Fedora for storage, Solr indexing for search, and Ceph for the software-defined storage solution. It also discusses access infrastructure, including Ruby on Rails views, JQuery, use of the SASS language and the Zen Grids grid framework.