Membership Terms and Conditions
Membership is subject to the following terms and conditions
1. Invoicing and making payment
1.1 Membership begins on 1 January and ceases on 31 December of each year.
1.2 Membership is paid up front for each year and fees are due 28 days after the invoice is issued.
1.3 The Digital Repository of Ireland is a consortium organisation, but payments are made to the Royal Irish Academy.
1.4 RIA bank details are included on the invoice, and the invoice number must be quoted when this payment is made.
2. Membership benefits
2.1 Benefits for full and associate membership are outlined on the DRI Website and are subject to change over time.
2.2 Membership and benefits to be drawn from both full and associate membership do not apply until full payment has been received by the Royal Irish Academy and a receipt of payment has been issued.
3. Membership fees
3.1 Membership fees are outlined in the Members’ Benefits Brochure.
3.2 Membership fees are for a calendar year, however, if a new member joins outside of the yearly billing cycle, membership will be billed pro-rata per month to be calculated by the DRI.
3.3 Existing members who pay late in a given calendar year will be charged for the full calendar year.
3.4 Membership fees are fixed for a calendar year, however, fees are subject to review and alteration. All members will be notified in advance of any changes to the fee structure.
3.5 A discount of ten per cent is applied to members and associate members who sign up for three years.
3.6 Members who sign up for a three-year membership package pay their membership annually and their discount is applied to the invoice they are issued with.
3.7 Members on a discounted package who cease their membership before the end of their term (clause 3.5) will be required to repay any discount given immediately.
3.8 Where an organisation signs up to a three-year subscription, membership fees are fixed for the period.
3.9 Membership is non-refundable.
4. Cancellation or discontinuing membership
4.1 Either party may terminate membership for any reason by giving the other party at least 30 days’ prior notice. In the case of the Repository, any decision to terminate this agreement and to give the 30 days’ prior notice shall be taken by the DRI Board.
4.2 Upon termination of this agreement, any objects already deposited with the Repository shall remain with the Repository on the terms on which they were deposited
4.3 Membership and benefits associated with membership cease if membership is not renewed in a timely fashion.
5. Service agreement
5.1 Levels of service provided by DRI to depositing organisations, including the size and complexity of data to be ingested into the repository and assistance provided by DRI staff, will vary depending on membership level.
5.2 Reasonable limits apply for collections deposited and levels of assistance provided by DRI staff.
5.3 Additional charges will apply for some collections. These charges vary according to the size, complexity and number of collections. For further details please contact
5.4 Access to the API is subject to DRI approval.
5.5 Membership of taskforces is subject to DRI approval.
6. Dispute Resolution
6.1 Any controversy, claim, dispute, or difference arising out of or in connection with this Membership shall be settled by arbitration; the place of arbitration shall be Dublin, Ireland; and the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.
6.2 The Arbitration Tribunal shall consist of a single arbitrator appointed by agreement between the parties or, failing agreement between the parties within 30 days after a request for arbitration is made by any party, appointed on the application of any party by the President for the time being of the Law Society of Ireland.
6.3 Subject to clause 6.1 the courts of the Republic of Ireland shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide any court proceedings relating to this Agreement.
6.4 This Membership shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Ireland.
7. Data Protection
7.1 We retain your information for operational and billing purposes.
These terms and conditions apply for the calendar year 2022
For information on membership fees please see Membership Fees
DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).