Join the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network for a workshop exploring diversity and inclusion in Digital Humanities. The first session in the workshop, ‘Digital Humanities and Access to Cultural Heritage’, will be moderated by DRI Programme Manager Dr Lisa Griffith.
Duration: 9:30-15:30 IST
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Join the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network for a workshop exploring diversity and inclusion in Digital Humanities. The first session in the workshop, ‘Digital Humanities and Access to Cultural Heritage’, will be moderated by DRI Programme Manager Dr Lisa Griffth.
One of the dreams of information and communication technologies is that of equitable and open access to information, to services, and to opportunities. We know, of course, that this is only true on the surface, and that technological systems tend to recreate the inequities of the cultures and societies that build them. As such, the dream of the digital humanities as a ‘big tent’ (that is, capacious, broad, and inclusive) is also one that we need to constantly query and challenge if the field is to have a claim to being inclusive and diverse.
This is a particularly pressing issue as we explore the potential for a regional Digital Humanities (DH) network to support the use and promotion of DH methods in the UK and Ireland.
09:30 Welcome to the event, Jennifer Edmond
09:45 – 11:00 Session 1: Digital Humanities and Access to Cultural Heritage
Moderator: Lisa Griffith
Tinashe Mushakavanhu, ‘African Digital Humanities and archiving gaps’ (10 minute presentation)
Adam Stoneman and Paul Mulholland, ‘Making cultural participation and citizen curation accessible’ (10 minute demonstration taster session)
Valeria Carrillo Garza, ‘The COVID19 crisis and small museums in the UK’ (10 minute presentation)
*Kyle Ramsy, ‘Using open access software to make acoustic reconstruction more accessible’ (5 minute pre-recorded presentation)
Kenna Hernly, ‘The Museum Challenge’ (5 minute provocation)
Discussion (35 minutes)
11:00 – 11:30 COFFEE break
11:30 – 12:45 Session 2: Access to Places and Spaces; Networks and Communities
Moderator: Rianna Walcott
Samya Brata Roy, ‘Making networking accessible for early career researchers’ (8 minute presentation)
Nabeel Siddiqui, ‘Travelling through DH: what Big Tent?’ (8 minute presentation)
Anna-Maria Sichani and Tiago Garcia Sousa, ‘”So close, yet so far away”: European DH professionals in post- Brexit Britain’ (8 minute panel taster session)
Nicholas Bowskill, ‘Interactive teaching from home’ (8 minute workshop taster session)
*Kathy O’Hare and Sarah Harrington, ‘The implicit and tangible challenges of online and physical teaching’ (5-minute audio documentary)
Vicky Garnett, ‘Accessibility Lessons from Lockdown’ (8 minute presentation)
Discussion (30 minutes)
12:45 – 2:00 LUNCH Break
1:15 – 2:00 Lunchtime Breakout sessions
Adam Stoneman, ‘SPICE curation platform’ (Demonstration)
Anna-Maria Sichani and Tiago Garcia Sousa, ‘”So close, yet so far away”: European DH professionals in post- Brexit Britain’ (Panel discussion)
Nicholas Bowskill, ‘Interactive synchronous teaching from home’ (workshop)
2:00 – 3:15 Session 3: Structuring for Inclusivity
Moderator: Alex Gil
*Kristen Schuster, ‘Gender, labour and personal information spaces’ (15 minute presentation)
Chris Houghton, ‘Bringing DH to the masses’ (15 minute presentation)
*Sharon Webb, ‘The Sussex Humanities Lab’ (15 minute presentation)
Discussion (30 minutes)
3:15 – 3:30 Closing Remarks, Charlotte Tupman
*Speaker to be confirmed