‘Versioning Cultural Objects: Concepts, Structures and Expressions' will take place from 1-2 December 2016 at An Foras Feasa, Maynooth University.
A DAH-funded two-day symposium entitled ‘Versioning Cultural Objects: Concepts, Structures and Expressions' will take place from 1-2 December 2016 at An Foras Feasa, Maynooth University.
The aim of the symposium is to bring together experienced and early-stage researchers to engage with the versioning of cultural objects. The version of a cultural object is identified, articulated, and analysed through diverse mechanisms in different fields of study. The study of versions allows for the investigation of the creative processes behind the conception of the object, a closer inspection of the socio-political contexts that affect it, and may even provide the means to investigate the provenance and the object’s circulation. The symposium will provide a platform for scholars from different research areas to exchange ideas across different forms of media, including text, image, and sound. The proposed symposium considers the term “versioning” in the broadest sense; while the understanding of versions differ in disciplines, this dialogue will explore the convergences and variances in its conception. The conversation will highlight the range and depth of existing studies and provide an inter-disciplinary understanding of the term.
The multi-institutional collaborative PhD program in Digital Arts and Humanities (DAH), is a four-year structured doctoral research-training programme designed to enable students to carry out research in the arts and humanities at the highest level using new media and computer technologies. The DRI is the Royal Irish Academy's co-ordinating body in DAH.
Proposals of up to 500 words are invited by 15 August 2016 from any disciplinary area which engage with either theoretical or practical applications of versioning.
For more information about the symposium and the application process, visit the DAH website.