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RDA’s Engagement with Disciplines in the EOSC Future project

Arrows and circle around the text 'How to do Open Science Across the Disciplines', announcing RDA's Engagement with Disciplines webinar


August 30, 2023 11:00 UTC+1


90 min




Join DRI’s Research Data Project Manager Beth Knazook, the RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassadors and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) disciplinary community groups as they come together to discuss the challenges, solutions and initiatives of working with data in different disciplines. The workshop will describe the findings of a DRI-led task in the EOSC Future project to understand the factors influencing disciplinary awareness and engagement in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). (Read more about EOSC Future on the RDA project page.) The workshop portion of the event will invite audience participation in discussing disciplinary data management challenges while also showcasing new disciplinary webpages and info sheets created for RDA. 

This webinar is a part of the RDA’s 10th Anniversary webinar series “A Decade of Data: Celebrating 10 Years of the Research Data Alliance.” Read more about the RDA’s thematic community cross-fertilisation workshop series.

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DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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