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RDA4EOSC Webinar – Addressing Organisational Interoperability



Thursday, 10th June 2021

We welcome you to this webinar organised as part of the RDA4EOSC activities supporting organisational engagement with EOSC and similar initiatives. 

10 June 2021 – 11:00 UTC / 12:00 BST / 13:00 CEST – REGISTRATION


We welcome you to this webinar organised as part of the RDA4EOSC activities supporting organisational engagement with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and similar initiatives. 

The webinar is focused on addressing issues of organisational interoperability as a means to support internal and external coordination and collaboration, increase efficiency, alignment and engagement with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). 

As defined in the context of both the European International Framework and the EOSC Interoperability Framework, organisational interoperability refers to the way in which organisations align their business processes, responsibilities and expectations to achieve commonly agreed and mutually beneficial goals. 

In this webinar we will look at a practical example of work done at organisational level to support interoperability. Oscar Corcho, co-author of the EOSC Interoperability Framework report will detail the ongoing organisational interoperability work at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), especially in reference to the strategy, policy and process development and alignment.  

He will be joined by Juan Bicarregui, STFC and chair of the EOSC WG on Rules of Participation and Kheeran Dharmawardena, Cytrax Consulting and chair of the RDA Interest group on social dynamics of Data Interoperability. The panel discussion will explore the topic of organisational interoperability addressing in particular issues connected to organisational processes. It will also look at how this connects to the EOSC Rules of Participation and how initiatives within the Research Data Alliance (RDA) can support this and similar organisational interoperability work going forward. 


Oscar Corcho is full professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and co-leads the Ontology Engineering Group. His research activities are focused on the Semantic Web and the Web of Linked Data, Ontological Engineering and the application of semantic technologies to different domains, such as Open Science. He was a member of the EOSC FAIR Working Group and within that role has co-authored the EOSC Interoperability Framework Report. He has extensive experience in open data policies and deployments for public administrations, including higher education and research institutions.

Dr Juan Bicarregui is Head of the Data Division in the Scientific Computing Department at STFC. Juan’s division is responsible for research and development of the data systems that handle much of the huge volume of scientific data that is produced by the STFC research facilities. Juan has played a key role in formulating UK policy on opening up access to research outputs, and he has also chaired the Research Council group which published the RCUK Joint Principles on Data and associated Guidelines. He chaired the EOSC Rules of Participation (Rop) WG Chair and was the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Representative on the EOSC Executive Board. 

Kheeran Dharmawardena, MBA, BComp, is Managing Director and Principal Consultant at Cytrax. Kheeran has 20 years of experience in the management and governance of data and information infrastructures across higher education, government sectors and not-for-profit sectors. A large part of Kheeran’s career was spent managing different aspects of information technology infrastructure and has implemented numerous technology and organisational transformations to align the ICT function to organisation strategy. Kheeran chairs the RDA Social Dynamics of Data Interoperability Interest group. 


Useful links: 

European Commission. Directorate General for Research and Innovation. & EOSC Executive Board. (2021). EOSC interoperability framework. Publications Office.

European Commission. Directorate General for Research and Innovation. & EOSC Executive Board. (2021). EOSC rules of participation. Publications Office.

RDA Social Dynamics of Interoperability Interest Group

The webinar falls under the activities related to the institutional, policy maker and global stakeholder engagement pillar of RDA4EOSC co-creation grant. 

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) has been coordinating the RDA4EOSC activities around disciplinary and organisational engagement in EOSC. To lean more visit


DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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