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Radical Archives: Community Digital Archives Consultation Forum

FSFDH and DRI Logos


Friday, 18th November 2022

Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities, in collaboration with the Digital Repository of Ireland, is hosting a Community Consultation Forum for community archivists in the Royal Irish Academy on Friday 18 November 2022.

Duration: 10:30-14:00

Booking: This event is restricted to a limited number of participants involved in community archiving. To find out more and to register, please contact Orla Egan at

Are you involved with a Feminist, Queer, Black, Traveller, BME, BIPOC, QITPOC, Roma, Disability or other Radical Community Archive, or an archive that engages with intersecting identities? Have you, or are you building a digital archive, or using digital tools to help with your work? If so, Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities, in collaboration with the Digital Repository of Ireland, would like to invite you to participate in a Community Consultation Forum in the Royal Irish Academy on Friday 18 November 2022.

Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities (FSFDH) is a two-year funded research project concerned with addressing and highlighting bias and discrimination in the digital systems we use and aims to develop intersectional feminist methods and practices to combat these challenges. The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is proud to be a collaborator on this project.

A key aim of the FSFDH project is to include multiple voices and perspectives in order to address multiple and intersecting forms of oppression. FSFDH seeks engagement with communities, particularly those communities that have been marginalised, excluded and silenced.  For us, this is a listening and learning exercise where we hope to learn from community digital archive practitioners.

Each participant will be offered the opportunity to speak about their community archive and their work (max 5 minutes). This session will provide an opportunity for participants to learn more about the range of innovative and important work being undertaken by radical archives. This is an opportunity to share experiences.

The talks will be followed by facilitated discussions on the challenges faced by radical community digital archives and on the supports and resources that are needed to facilitate this work.

Questions that will be explored include:

  • What motivated the establishment of the archive you are involved with?
  • What challenges have you faced in creating and maintaining a community digital archive?
  • What digital tools do you use?
  • What is needed to make your work easier and to support community digital archives?
  • What would you like to see in the tool kit we are developing?


  • 10:30: Tea and coffee
  • 11:00: Welcome and introduction
  • 11:15: Project introductions (5 mins per participant organisation)
  • 12:00: Workshop discussions – challenges for community digital archivists; supports available; the FSFDH toolkit
  • 1:00: Summary
  • 13:15: Lunch

Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities will offer a limited number of travel bursaries for participants.

The Full Stack Feminism research/project is funded by UKRI-AHRC and the Irish Research Council under the ‘UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities Research Grants Call’  (grant numbers AH/W001667/1 and IRC/W001667/1)

The Digital Repository of Ireland is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Irish Research Council (IRC)

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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