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DRI Coffee Morning: April 2023



Wednesday, 26th April 2023


10am - 10:30 am




April’s Coffee Morning will be in its usual online format and take place on Wednesday 26 of April at 10.00am for 30 minutes. The Coffee Morning will be hosted by Kathryn Cassidy, Software Engineer at the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), and Padraic Stack, Senior Librarian at Dublin City Library and Archives (DCLA), who will discuss the EnrichEuropeana+ project which came to a close last month. DCLA and DRI were part of a pan-European consortium selected for major European Commission funding for their project EnrichEuropeana+. This project combined citizen science and artificial intelligence to transcribe handwritten documents from the 19th century and make them available to researchers, students, amateur historians, and the public. Kathryn and Padraic will talk about project outcomes and the next steps for the Transcribathon platform.

The DRI Virtual Coffee Mornings are a place for DRI’s staff and members to come together and discuss digital preservation topics, challenges, or projects in a relaxed environment. If you’d like to host a coffee in 2023 morning please email

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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