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DRI and the Europeana Common Culture Project: Sharing Irish Digital Data in a European Context



Thursday, 17th December 2020

Join the DRI for a webinar marking the end of the Europeana Common Culture Project and learn about how DRI can help you to reach a wider audience with your cultural heritage data. 

11:00-12:30 GMT  | 12:00-13:30 CET

Do you want to reach wider audiences with your digital cultural heritage data? 

Europeana is a digital platform that allows European institutions to reach a broader audience by sharing their social and cultural heritage data online. The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) has been working with Europeana since Jan 2019 as the Irish partner in Europeana’s Common Culture Project, which aims to improve the quality of up to four million records that have been provided by national aggregators to the Europeana platform. 

On 17 Dec, DRI is hosting a webinar to mark the end of the Common Culture Project, reflect on DRI’s development of an aggregation service through the project, and highlight the achievements of the project and the benefits to Irish cultural heritage organisations. It will also explore:

  • DRI’s plans to continue to support Irish memory institutions and cultural heritage institutions in sharing their data with European audiences as a national aggregator for Ireland in the future.
  • A talk on Europeana and Digitisation delivered by Tadhg O’Shea from the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
  • The development of a pilot 3D viewer for the DRI repository and Europeana as part of the project and the benefits to organisations of preserving and sharing 3D data with the support of DRI. 
  • A practical case study on the benefits of aggregating collections to Europeana delivered by Padraic Stack, Senior Librarian, Dublin City Libraries and Archives.

We hope you will be able to join us to learn how DRI can support organisations in promoting Irish digital content on a European level so that Irish digital cultural data can be used and reused for enjoyment, research, and education.  Registration is free at the following link: 

The event will take place on Zoom Webinar but it is not necessary to have a Zoom account to join. The event will be recorded but audience members will not be visible in the recording.


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DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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