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Collecting in a Crisis: Rapid Response Web and Social Media Archiving

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Wednesday, 2nd December 2020

The DRI, in collaboration with the NAI, is hosting an online webinar on rapid response web and social media archiving as part of our ongoing public lecture series on digital archiving. Join us on 2 Dec to learn about how our shared digital cultural memory is safeguarded in a time of crisis!

2 Dec 2020, 19:00-20:00 GMT/UTC

3 Dec 8:00am NZDT

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI), in collaboration with the National Archives, Ireland (NAI), is hosting an online webinar on rapid response web and social media archiving as part of our ongoing public lecture series on digital archiving. 

Digital archivists have played an essential role on the front lines of the effort to document the pandemic as it plays out online. Their continuous collaborative efforts will ensure that records of the social, cultural, and economic impact of this crisis are preserved for the benefit of future generations.

In this webinar, we will hear from Nicola Bingham, Lead Curator for Web Archives at the British Library, who will describe the work of the UK Web Archive, a partnership of six UK Legal Deposit Libraries that has been collecting websites reflecting the UK perspective of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Valerie Love, Senior Digital Archivist at Alexander Turnbull Library (a division of the National Library of New Zealand), will give an overview of the work that the Library’s Digital Collecting and Legal Deposit teams have been doing to collect and preserve public responses to the crisis on social media platforms. 

The talks will be followed by a short question and answer session. We hope that this webinar will provide an opportunity for archivists and librarians to learn from each other as part of an international cross-collaborative conversation on rapid response collecting. This webinar will also be of interest to all those who wish to learn about how our shared digital cultural memory is safeguarded in a time of crisis.

The event will take place over Zoom Webinar. It will be recorded and live streamed to Facebook but audience members will not be visible in the recording. Register for free here 


Speaker bios:

  • Nicola Bingham: Nicola is the Lead Curator of Web Archiving at the British Library in the Department of Collections. She is responsible for the Library's web archiving strategy and the on-going road map for web archiving capability, ensuring that stakeholders across the Legal Deposit Libraries, and other partners, have the necessary tools for curating websites according to their own collection development policies. She ensures that the UK Web Archive collection is fit for purpose for their myriad users. 
  • Valerie Love: Valerie is the Senior Digital Archivist at the Alexander Turnbull Library, New Zealand. Valerie is responsible for the transfer, ingest, and management of incoming born-digital heritage collections.


Image credit: Mehrnegar Dolatmand on UnSplash

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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