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Archiving the 8th Seminar Series, 25 May to 15 June

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Tuesday, 25th May 2021

The School of History of Art and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin is hosting a four-part Archiving the 8th Seminar Series in May/June 2021, which explores archivist, activist, and academic perspectives on Irish and global experiences in documenting and researching women’s reproductive rights and community activism. 

The School of History of Art and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin is hosting a four-part Archiving the 8th Seminar Series in May/June 2021, which explores archivist, activist, and academic perspectives on Irish and global experiences in documenting and researching women’s reproductive rights and community activism. Funded by the Wellcome Trust and based in University College Dublin’s School of Art History and Cultural Policy, the series launches on 25 May 2021, the 3rd anniversary of the repeal of the 8th Amendment.

In May 2018, the constitutional ban on abortion in Ireland was overturned after a highly charged referendum on the Eighth Amendment, which brought about one of the most significant changes to women’s health and reproductive rights in Irish history. The scale and impact of the referendum campaigns has been profound, generating enormous amounts of records, political ephemera, websites and digital material, as well as visual/material culture.

The Archiving the 8th initiative aims to unite those examining perspectives on archiving, activism and academics – and to begin to explain how this significant social shift took place, as well as what should be preserved for use in future research, exhibitions and learning. In doing so, this seminar series engages with local, national and global conversations on the nature of archival procedures, academic methodologies and the challenges involved in collecting and documenting social and cultural change.

Full Programme Available Here <

All are welcome to attend these free events, which will be recorded and hosted on the Archiving the 8th website, to be launched in late summer 2021.

For more information on this project please contact

Register on Eventbrite:




DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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