Qualifications: BSc (Hons) in Information Technology, PhD in Computer Science
Research Interests: Digital Preservation, Preservation Workflows, Education, eLearning, 3D, Crowd-sourcing and participatory heritage, Preserving Community Archives
Dr Kathryn Cassidy is a member of the technical team at the Digital Repository of Ireland based in the Research IT group in Trinity College Dublin. She holds a PhD on the topic of eLearning for Grid Computing from Trinity College Dublin. Kathryn has over 20 years experience in the IT sector and has held a variety of roles including Software Developer, Project Manager, Supervisor and Education and Outreach Officer within industry and academic organisations. She has previously participated in several research projects within TCD including the EGEE, ICEAGE, EMI and StratusLab FP7 projects.
Conference Committees
- Steering Committee, Open Repositories (OR)
- Programme Committee, International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC) 2020
- Programme Committee, Open Repositories (OR) 2019
- Programme Committee International Summer School on Grid Computing (ISSGC) 2007 & 2008
- Programme Committee Joint European DCI Summer School (DCISS) 2011
Current Projects
- PI for Digital Preservation of Reproductive Health Resources: Archiving the 8th project
- PI for Trinity College Dublin’s participation in the Europeana Common Culture project
- Member of the 3D Content in Europeana Task Force
- Member of the Europeana Network Association
- DRI Representative on the Europeana Aggregators’ Forum
- Member of Europeana Copyright Community
Past Activities
- Lecturer Programming for Digital Media MSc course
- Secretary of the Open Grid Forum Education and Training Community Group
- Recipient of OGF Student Scholar grant to attend GGF17 2006
Selected Publications
Boon Low, Kathryn Cassidy, David Fergusson, Malcolm Atkinson, Elizabeth Vander Meer, and Mags McGeever. “Distributed Computing Education, Part 5: Coming to Terms with Intellectual Property Rights”. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 9(12), December 2008..