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Community Archive Scheme

Community archives aim to give visibility to the stories and histories of specific cultures and communities that are often underrepresented in national or regional archives.

Many communities on the island of Ireland have been historically marginalised, and this marginalisation continues to reflect an underrepresentation in traditional memory institutions. The time, effort, and skill that goes into creating community-based archives is often undertaken by individuals or groups working on a voluntary basis or with little funding.

As a publicly funded repository for Ireland’s social and cultural data, the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) believes it is important to make long-term preservation of digital materials open to a wide range of organisations, including those operating on a non-funded, voluntary basis. We value the publication of a diversity of datasets and collections and are committed to supporting community-based archival initiatives through sharing our digital preservation skills and profession-based knowledge. We, therefore, offer some associate memberships and all the related benefits, as part of our DRI Community Archive Scheme for the length of time it takes a group to add their collection to the Repository.

If you have any queries about the scheme you can email the DRI Membership Manager Maeve O’ Brien:

DRI Community Archive Scheme Winners 2025

A picturesque white house adorned with a thatched roof, set against a backdrop of lush vegetation and bright skies.

We are delighted to announce that the winners of the Community Archive Scheme 2025 are the Computers in Education Society of Ireland (CESI) and the Frank Donaldson ‘Tidy Towns’ Collection.

As part of the Community Archive Scheme, CESI will ingest a collection newsletters detailing the organisation’s activities from the 1980s through to the early 2010s.

Frank Donaldson was a national Tidy Towns adjudicator with the Department of the Environment. During this time, Frank took a series of 1700+ images, including 19 individual towns and villages. A series of these images will make up the Donaldson ‘Tidy Towns’ collection.

Application Form

Links to requirements and the application form needed to apply to the Community Archive Scheme

Information Events

Dates for upcoming online information sessions about the Community Archive Scheme

Previous Winners

Information on our previous Community Archive Scheme winners

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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