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Manifestations: Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities Conference & Exhibition



Wednesday, 20th September 2023


Wed, 20 Sep 2023 16:30 - Thu, 21 Sep 2023 23:30 BST


Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts, University of Sussex Gardner Center Road Falmer BN1 9RA United Kingdom

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Our work, our thoughts, our experiences, manifest in different ways. Through art, poetry, action, and words. ‘Manifestations’ is an intersectional feminist call-to-action in digital spaces and recognises the importance of creative art praxis, community archives, and critical research in digital humanities. It challenges what counts as knowledge and who gets to produce that knowledge. In presenting the work of artists and academics this exhibition and conference, related to the project the Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities’ manifests a series of abstract ideas such as intersectionality, positionality, radical empathy, de-centring, among others. In doing so it places practice as a central form of feminist knowledge, where theory emanates from creative artefacts, community archives, embodiment and computational performances.

Organised around our Full Stack Feminism framework it with will explore subjects like; data feminism; community archives; queer archives; queer data; queer and critical fabulation; gender and technology; feminist empiricism, digital art, digital cultural heritage.

Please note there are two events related to this programme which require individual registeration:

– Exhibition Launch: 20th September 18.00 – 20.00. Exhibition will include works by Full Stack Feminism in Digital Humanities artists in residence, Jamilla Prowse and Roiba O’Rua, among others.

 Conference: 21st September 09.30 – 18.00. Speakers include Winnie Soon, Mara Karagianni, Amanda Egbe, Judith Ricketts, Tiara Roxanne, Sara Phillips, and more.

Full Stack Feminism and Women in Focus are funded by UKRI-AHRC and the Irish Research Council under the ‘UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities Research Grants Call’ (Full Stack Feminism: grant numbers AH/W001667/1 and IRC/W001667/1, Women in Focus: grant numbers grant IRC/W001756/1 and AH/W001756/1).

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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