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Recommendations for Sharing Cultural Heritage Images as Data Published for the WorldFAIR Project

Submitted on 6th June 2023

The Digital Repository of Ireland’s second deliverable for the WorldFAIR Project’s Cultural Heritage Work Package (WP13) is now available in Zenodo: D13.2 Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Recommendations Report.

The report outlines 5 recommendations for aligning the FAIR principles for research data, which have been widely adopted by higher education institutions, researchers and research-supporting repositories to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of data with the work of Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (or ‘GLAM’ organisations) in delivering collection images for use and reuse (see the DRI’s statement on FAIR and Open Science). As highlighted in the report, these recommendations build on important advocacy work in the sector that has been ongoing for some time now, brought to light through the contributions of an engaged and diverse group of professionals who gave their time and effort to help the DRI improve our support for FAIR. The DRI is very pleased to have fostered new connections and benefitted from the experience of the following project members:

WorldFAIR Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Working Group

Anita Cooper, Assistant Librarian, Royal Irish Academy
Dr. Antje Schmidt, Head of Digital Strategy, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg
Dr. Claudio Cortese, Product Manager & Analyst / PhD in Archaeology, 4Science SpA
Dana Reijerkerk, Knowledge Management & Digital Assets Librarian, Stony Brook University
Eileen Manchester, Innovation Specialist, Digital Innovation Division (LC Labs), Library of Congress
Dr. Esther Olembe, Senior Lecturer/Director of National Archives of Cameroon, University of Yaounde II-SOA / National Archives
Gina O’Kelly, Executive Director, Irish Museums Association (IMA)
Glen Robson, IIIF Technical Coordinator, IIIF Consortium
Dr. Isabel Ceron, Senior Policy Analyst, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia
Dr. Josiline Chigwada, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of South Africa
Dr. Kathryn Cassidy, Software Engineer, Digital Repository of Ireland
Keren Barner, Digital Collection Publishing / Librarian, Younes & Soraya Nazarian Library, University of Haifa
Kim Pham, Research Technology Officer, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Dr. Kristina Hettne, Digital Scholarship Librarian, Leiden University Libraries
Margaret Warren, Associate Researcher (IHMC), Director, MAS (Metadata Authoring Systems), Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, Metadata Authoring Systems
Mikala Narlock, Director, Data Curation Network, University of Minnesota
Dr. Milena Dobreva, Research lead, Associate Professor, GATE Institute, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski
Dr. Rebecca O’Neill, Project Coordinator, Wikimedia Community Ireland
Dr. Renata Oliveira de Araujo, Archivist, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO
Dr. Steven Claeyssens, Curator of Digital Collections, KB, the National Library of the Netherlands
Dr. Sümeyye Akça, Assistant Professor, Marmara University, Information and Records Management
Thomas Padilla, Deputy Director, Archiving and Data Services, Internet Archive
Dr. Tim Sherratt, Associate Professor of Digital Heritage, Centre for Creative and Cultural Research, University of Canberra

WP13 Project Team

Beth Knazook, Project Manager, Research Data, Digital Repository of Ireland
Joan Murphy, Research Associate, Digital Repository of Ireland

Read about the WorldFAIR Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Working Group on the WorldFAIR Project website blog.

Learn more about these reports and the DRI’s planned implementation of the recommendations

The WorldFAIR Project is hosting a webinar series featuring updates from each of the disciplinary case studies. You can hear Beth Knazook talk about the Cultural Heritage Case Study on 14 June 2023 at 9:00 UTC+1.
Register here to attend:

The DRI will also be presenting at the 2023 DARIAH Annual Event Cultural Heritage Data as Humanities Research Data? and at the LIBER 2023 Annual Conference Open and Trusted: Reassessing Research Library Values. We look forward to more opportunities to share our progress implementing the recommendations at the DRI and to obtain community feedback over the coming year.

Poster designed for the DARIAH 2023 Annual conference
Cover image for a slide deck for the LIBER 2023 Annual Conference

Interested in joining the conversation on GLAM collections as data?

Check out the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Ireland page to access videos and other resources on using GLAM collections in research.

Watch for more updates on the Collections as Data project (and see the DRI’s contribution to the Position Statements -> Collections as Data: State of the field and future directions).

Discover cultural heritage data already available on Europeana and through the Digital Repository of Ireland.

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Irish Research Council (IRC).

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