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[POSTPONED] Empowering an Irish National PID Strategy


17 May 2024, 10:30-15:30 UTC+1


5 hours (2 hours in person in the morning and 1.5 hours online in the afternoon)


This is event will be a hybrid event held both in-person at the Royal Irish Academy and online. A lunch will be provided for those attending onsite.

The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is pleased to be hosting an upcoming event for the Research Data Alliance (RDA) in Ireland, in collaboration with MoreBrains Cooperative and the National Open Research Forum (NORF).

This hybrid (in person/online) full day event aims to bring together funders, administrators, research data managers, cultural heritage professionals and researchers to discuss the results and actions recommended in the National Strategy and Roadmap on Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) commissioned by the Irish National Open Research Forum. The goal will be to explore and develop customised engagement approaches for communities in Ireland that have not engaged with PIDs to date, to encourage uptake and ensure appropriate support for community-specific needs and priorities.


10:30 Registration for onsite participants

11:00 Onsite workshop hosted at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin (in-person participation only*)

13:00 Lunch for onsite participants

14:00 Hybrid/virtual event hosted as part of the RDA Virtual Plenary 22 programme

15:30 Event close

DRI is the coordinating organisation for NORF and leads the activities of the RDA in Ireland Regional Group. Learn more about DRI’s support for Open Research.

Banner with silhouette of cityscape and forest announcing the RDA Virtual Plenary 22

This event is co-located with the Research Data Alliance 22nd Virtual Plenary Meeting, 14-23 May 2024. Details of the full programme are available at the following link:

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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