The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is pleased to share that our final deliverable report for the WorldFAIR Project has been published! D13.3 Implementation and Testing of Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Recommendations: DRI Case Study Report describes the steps taken to respond to the 5 recommendations developed by the WorldFAIR Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Working Group, originally published in D13.2 Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Recommendations.
The Case Study report examines the services and functionality already offered in the Repository, as well as established guidance and member practices, to propose solutions that build on DRI’s long history of support for the FAIR principles and Open Research (see DRI’s statement on FAIR and Open Science). The report outlines steps taken to improve FAIR enabling services for depositors and researchers working with cultural heritage image data in the Repository.
There are five sections in the main body of the report, one for each recommendation described in D13.2, which outline decisions taken to better support:
- Citation of cultural heritage image data,
- Transparency around digital image files as research objects,
- Data Documentation that surfaces information about how collections are created and managed,
- Licensing and Rights options that standardise language and improve machine actionability, and
- Delivery use cases which demonstrate critical and creative reuse of data and metadata in the Repository.
Each section begins with a narrative introduction providing background discussion on the recommendation and describing the thought processes and considerations of the project team. This is then followed by information in a tabular form, providing the rationale for FAIR alignment, outlining where DRI is positioned in relation to the recommendation, describing the proposed changes, and reporting the result (or, in some cases, the direction taken towards a future result).

New support for metadata-specific licence statements on collection and object records.

Testing the display of new Rights Statements options in the depositor interface.

Trying out the proposed
cultural heritage citation
format in DRI’s test
While the details in the report are highly specific to DRI, we anticipate that the analysis, discussion points and transparency of results that this report provides will be of considerable use to anyone working towards similar goals. This report offers implementation choices that can be made by others developing their own response to the Cultural Heritage Image Sharing Recommendations.
Beth Knazook, Project Manager, Research Data at DRI and WorldFAIR WP13 Project Lead
The WorldFAIR project has provided DRI with an exceptional opportunity for focused development on FAIR enabling services, which will of course continue long after the project closes. The project team is pleased to say that DRI is just getting started with a newly formed Research Data Alliance (RDA) Collections as Data Interest Group and looks forward to a deep dive into ‘Collections as Data / Data as Collections’ at the upcoming Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DPASSH) Conference in June 2024. We hope that many community members will join us there!