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Research Data Alliance comes to Dublin in 2014

Submitted on 20th June 2013


We are delighted to announce that DRI and INSIGHT have attracted

We are delighted to announce that DRI and INSIGHT have attracted the third plenary meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) to Ireland, to be held in Dublin on March 26-28, 2014.

RDA is an exciting new global organisation, backed by the EU Commission (Commissioner Neelie Kroes and DG-Connect), the National Science Foundation in the United States, and the Australian Government and National Data Services. The goal is to open up and share research data to enable discovery acceleration.

Researchers in Academia and Industry, Funding Agencies, Libraries and publishers are invited to get involved, and I hope that hosting the event in Dublin in 2014 will be a great opportunity for Ireland to take a leadership position.

The Irish side of the Organising Committee will be Digital Repository of Ireland and INSIGHT, the new SFI-funded National Data Analytics Research Centre. DRI's Dr. Sandra Collins is on the European Council for RDA and the Organising Committee for the event, and Dr. Natalie Harrower is the Local Conference Chair.

Press Release:


Australia, in close partnership with Ireland, will host the Third Plenary for the Research Data Alliance in Dublin, Ireland on March 26 to 28, 2014. The purpose of the Research Data Alliance is to accelerate international data-driven innovation and discovery by facilitating research data sharing and exchange, use and re-use, standards harmonization, and discoverability.

The Third Plenary will build on the very successful First Plenary in March 2013 (led by RDA-Europe), and the firm planning underway for the Second Plenary in Washington DC in September 2013 (led by RDA-US).

The Organising Committee for the Third Plenary consists of Dr Sandra Collins (Director, Digital Repository of Ireland), Professor Stefan Decker (INSIGHT: Ireland's National Data Analytics Research Centre), Dr Leif Laaksonen (RDA-Europe Project Director), Professor Alan Smeaton (INSIGHT: Ireland's National Data Analytics Research Centre) and Dr Andrew Treloar (Director of Technology, Australian National Data Service and Organising Committee Chair).

The Research Data Alliance Council welcomes the continued momentum of the RDA Plenary event series and supports the Third Plenary organising group in its endeavours to date and forward into March 2014.

For further information about the Research Data Alliance, please either visit or email

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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