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DRI Virtual Coffee Morning: November

DRI logo with text reading Coffee Morning


Wednesday, 30th November 2022

November’s virtual coffee morning will take place on Wednesday 30 of November at 10.00 am for half an hour.  The coffee morning will be hosted by Natalie Harrower, Director of DRI.

November’s virtual coffee morning will take place on Wednesday 30 of November at 10.00 am for half an hour. This is the final coffee morning of 2022 and it will be hosted by Natalie Harrower, Director of the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI). Natalie will discuss the broad range of work DRI has undertaken in 2022 and look forward to some of the projects, events and activities we are planning for 2023. This will also be an opportunity to meet some new members who joined in 2022. Please register in advance for this meeting through zoom

We will return with our coffee morning series in January 2023 when we will host our first in-person coffee morning at the Royal Irish Academy on Dawson Street on Wednesday 25 of January 2023. The coffee morning series will return to its usual online venue in February 2023 for the remainder of the year. 

The DRI Virtual Coffee Mornings are a place for DRI’s staff and members to come together and discuss digital preservation topics, challenges, or projects in a relaxed environment. If you’d like to host a coffee in 2023 morning please email

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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