The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is delighted to host DPASSH 2022, the biennial ‘Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities’ conference. This year’s conference will be on the topic of ‘Digital Preservation of Religious Collections: Conversations and Collaborations’. This will combine online workshops on 27 June with a hybrid-format conference on 29 and 30 June where presenters and audiences can attend online or at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin.
The keynote speakers for the conference will be: Prof. John McCafferty (University College Dublin); Prof. Fallou Ngom (Boston University); and Dr Niamh Nicghabhann (University of Limerick), who each represent a different area of expertise and knowledge relating to the topic of the conference.
DPASSH is a response to the problem of digital preservation within the arts, humanities, social sciences, and cultural heritage domains. It seeks to address the complexities of long-term digital preservation of the full variety of materials, and to encourage a long-term dialogue around the issues created by such preservation.
Please see the Programme and visit the DPASSH Eventbrite page to register.