The 11th International Conference on Open Repositories, OR2016, will be held on June 13th-16th, 2016 in Trinity College Dublin
The 11th International Conference on Open Repositories, (OR2016), will be held on June 13th-16th, 2016 in Trinity College Dublin. Open Repositories is an annual international conference dedicated to exploring and developing the use of digital repositories to manage research, scholarly and cultural information, which has been building collaborations between repositories for over a decade.
The theme of OR2016 is “Illuminating the World.” Its focus is the opening up of research, disciplines and collections, as well as increasing the openness of collections, software, data and workflows. DRI staff are presenting a paper on Orphan Works Legislation on 14 June 2016, as part of the 'Repositories as tools for change' session.
For registration details and to view the programme, visit the OR2016 website.