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New DRI Training Series!

Submitted on 11th February 2016


DRI are delighted to announce our next DRI Training Series 'Preparing Your Collection for DRI', beginning February 17th 2016 in the Royal Irish Academy.

DRI are delighted to announce our new Training Series: 'Preparing Your Collection for DRI', beginning February 17th 2016 in the Royal Irish Academy.

Since launching in June 2015, we at the Digital Repository of Ireland have been focusing on expanding and adding to our collections. There are many fascinating collections in institutions all around Ireland that have not yet been digitised, or that have been digitised but are not securely preserved. Many collections are still unarranged, with many potential treasures still undiscovered. We have developed this new set of courses to help those who are looking after collections to prepare their material so that it can be easily ingested into DRI for secure long-term preservation. The course introduces the basic elements of archival arrangement and description, digitisation methods and workflows, the elements of copyright and what collection owners may and may not publish, and an introduction to metadata standards. It is designed to help collection curators to make sense of their material, understand the principles of collection management and, at the end of the course, have the tools in place to prepare their collection for eventual ingest into DRI. (While the course is focused on DRI requirements, the principles explored are interoperable with many open repositories, and the archival skills are useful for both digital and non-digital collections).

This course is geared towards collection curators who do not have an archival background and do not have extensive experience with managing collections, but trained archivists and experienced collection curators can find out how their skills apply to the management of collections within the Digital Repository of Ireland.

The course consists of a series of one-hour seminars that will take place over several weeks in 2016. The majority of the first series of sessions will take place in the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin, however we aim to repeat the course in locations outside Dublin over time. 

The first seminar in the DRI Collection Preparation Series is 'Organising Your Collection', taking place on February 17th, 2016 at 10am. This one-hour seminar will introduce attendees to the basics of arranging collections of heritage material to facilitate cataloguing and discovery. Although the Digital Repository of Ireland’s collection arrangement functionality will be discussed specifically, the themes explored in this seminar are applicable to both digital and non-digital collections.

The dates for all of the seminars are as follows:

Wednesday February 17th 10am: 'Organising Your Collection'. Royal Irish Academy. GET TICKETS

Tuesday March 15th, 10am: 'Digitising Your Collection'. Location TBC (Dublin). GET TICKETS

Friday April 15th 10am: 'Understanding Copyright'. Royal Irish Academy. GET TICKETS

Wednesday May 11th 10am: 'Metadata Standards and XML': Royal Irish Academy. GET TICKETS

**Tickets cost €8 per seminar, or €30 for all 4 seminars booked together. Book all 4 sessions here.**


We look forward to seeing you there!

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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