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DRI celebrates its Stakeholder Advisory Group

Submitted on 26th February 2018


Pictures from the thank you lunch on 23rd February

On 23rd February 2018, DRI Director Dr. Natalie Harrower hosted a lunch gathering to thank the members of DRI’s Stakeholder Advisory Group and original Management Board members.

The occasion for the lunch was the publication of DRI’s new Membership Model, which provides a schema for various sized institutions to join DRI. 

At the lunch, Dr. Natalie Harrower reflected on this significant milestone, thanking DRI’s early supporters for the central role they played in shaping DRI’s requirements. Many of these stakeholders have been active from the beginning of DRI in 2011 as a PRTLI Cycle 5 project, through the end of that phase in 2016.

Reflecting on this significant milestone, Dr. Harrower said “The creation of a national digital repository — a national research infrastructure —  which offers a host of services to a range of institutions across the country, is a large community effort. If the repository, and the related educational, research and advocacy work that supports it is to be relevant to Irish institutions, then the process of building it demands significant consultation, advice, listening, and adaptation to that community’s needs. The Stakeholder Advisory Group and Management Board were key players in articulating these needs.

“As collaborators, advisers, project partners, and founding board members, you have played a central part in building the Digital Repository of Ireland. You have advised us on key aspects of repository development, worked with us on surveys, guidelines and publications; you have spoken at DRI conferences, attended countless launches, and written letters of support. Through all of this, you have played a key role in the journey to this moment, and we at DRI thank you, and sincerely hope you see your feedback and advice contained in our new Membership Model.”

Dr. Harrower also thanked DRI staff, the Management Team, and the new DRI Board for the significant cross-organisation effort to create and publish the Membership model. “To get to this point, we really had to look at the core of what we do at DRI, and what DRI has to offer institutions who would like to archive, preserve, and provide access to their digital data. It has been a challenging but very exciting process, and everyone has contributed tremendously.”

Details are available in the new Membership section of the DRI website.

Pictures from the Lunch


DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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