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Digital Humanities – Ireland’s Opportunity report published.

Submitted on 15th May 2015


It's been a busy week at DRI in the realm of Digital Humanities. Early this week we announced

It's been a busy week at DRI in the realm of Digital Humanities. Early this week we announced the launch of Going Digital: Creating Change in the Humanities, at roundtable with EU representatives in Brussels.

Today we are pleased to announce the publication of Digital Humanities – Ireland's Opportunity. This report is the result of an invited workshop at the Royal Irish Academy in October 2014, which brought together Ireland's leading scholars in the Digital Humanities. The workshop was convened by the Insight Centre for Data Analytics at Dublin City University and the Digital Repository of Ireland to coincide with a public lecture by Professor Jon Oberlander of Edinburgh University, who is one of the UK's leading Digital Humanities researchers. Both events were sponsored by the Irish Research Council.

The report analyses the current role of Digital Humanities in Irish research, and discusses the wealth of opportunities for Ireland in this field. It makes several recommendations to funders and research institutions, namely that there is a need for sustained infrastructures and services beyond project duration, value recognition for the field of DH, and policy to support the fundamental interdisciplinary nature of the Digital Humanities.

The report is available on our Publications page, or can be downloaded directly here.

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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