The IQDA has published a new social science collection 'Preparing for Life' in DRI
The Children’s Research Network is delighted to announce the publication of the qualitative interview transcripts from the evaluation of Preparing For Life (2008-15) in the Digital Repository of Ireland by the Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) Research Initiative.
These interviews were conducted with parents that participated in Preparing for Life (PFL) and with staff members (PFL mentors and information officers) as part of the process evaluation of this school-readiness intervention. Interviews were also conducted with child participants during their first year of primary education to capture their subjective early school experience.
Aileen O'Carroll, policy manager at the Digital Repository of Ireland and Irish Qualitative Data Archive is facilitating a workshop 'Preparing your data for the public data archives' at the annual conference of the Children's Research Network, taking place December 6th in Dublin.
Qualitative interview transcripts from the evaluation of PFL are available for further scientific research by application to the Irish Qualitative Data Archive at the collection link.