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EDF2013 to give award for data innovation:

Submitted on 26th February 2013

In order to recognize outstanding enterprises and individuals…

In order to recognize outstanding enterprises and individuals, who have shown extraordinary vision and execution in the field of linked enterprise data management for their use of linked (open) data to start more efficient data management, EDF2013 is delighted to launch the European Data Innovator Award. The 2013 European Data Innovator award was made possible by eccenca, a spin-off of Brox IT Solutions and AKSW Research group from University of Leipzig, Germany. The award will be presented at the European Data Forum 2013 on the first conference day in the course of the morning session – and will be handed over by representatives of the European Commission and the Irish Government together with Hans Christian Brockmann of eccenta. The DRI is helping to organise EDF2013, and has invited speakers to present on the topic of audio-visual big data.

DRI is funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) via the Higher Education Authority (HEA).

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