The Organising Committee of DPASSH 2017 are happy to announce an additional call for submissions for DPASSH 2017 for short papers and expert panels.
DPASSH 2017 2nd Phase of Submissions – Short Papers and Expert Panels
The Organising Committee of the second ‘Digital Preservation for Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities’ conference (DPASSH 2017) are happy to announce that they are now opening an additional call for submissions for DPASSH 2017 for short papers and expert panels. The deadline for both submissions is Sunday 15th January 2017 (midnight GMT).
Accepted short papers will present for 10-12 minutes on topics relevant to the conference call and theme. It is envisaged that short papers will report on research that is still in progress.
Submissions for panels should consist of maximum of 4 people, and the panel will typically last for 45 minutes. Applicants should submit a brief bio of each panel member and a theme/provocation for the proposed panel discussion (maximum 500 words).
Submissions must be made through our online submission system.
More information on the DPASSH website.