Date: Tuesday 13 April 2021, 2:00pm-3:30pm IST
Organisers: NORF Working Groups on Skills & Competences and Incentives & Rewards
As part of a webinar series on Open Research in Ireland, the National Open Research Forum (NORF) is presenting a webinar focused on skills, incentives and rewards for Open Research.
NORF has been developing a National Open Research Landscape Report to summarise progress and challenges in each of the strategic areas of Ireland’s National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment. Against this background, speakers will discuss the skills and competencies required for Open Research and incentives and rewards for Open Research practices.
Speakers will include the chairs of NORF’s Working Groups on Skills & Competencies (Ciara McCaffrey, UL) and Incentives & Rewards (Sally Smith, DCU & David O’Connell, UCC), Iryna Kuchma from EIFL who will present outputs of the EOSC WG on Skills and Training, and Kim Huijpen from VSNU who will present the Dutch national programme on recognition and rewards of academics (‘Room for everyone’s talent’).
This webinar is targeted at the national research community in Ireland: research support staff, librarians, researchers, and funder representatives.
Register here:
Introduction to NORF – Daniel Bangert (Digital Repository of Ireland)
Summary of landscaping work by NORF WG on Skills & Competencies – Ciara McCaffrey (University of Limerick) / NORF WG on Incentives & Rewards – Sally Smith (Dublin City University), David O’Connell (University College Cork)
Digital skills for FAIR and Open Science – Iryna Kuchma (EIFL, EOSC WG on Skills and Training)
‘Room for everyone’s talent’ Dutch national programme on recognition and rewards of academics – Kim Huijpen (VSNU)