Grant recommendation summary for grantee application G-15058 by Immigrant Council of Ireland [ICI]


The Immigrant Council of Ireland [ICI] is an independent law centre that has been working to provide assistance to people from a migrant background, improving and protecting their rights since their establishment in 2001.

In 2006, The Atlantic Philanthropies awarded €382,000 to the Immigrant Council of Ireland to ensure a transparent and fair residency renewal and family reunification process for the immigrant parents of Irish born children by providing on-going support to Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children [CADIC].

The five-page long document in the layout of a form was produced by staff of The Atlantic Philanthropies. It summarises the application request for the grantee project G-15058 titled Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children by describing the purpose and details of the grant as well as describing the organisation receiving the grant.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Immigration Council of Ireland, Curated collection--Human rights, Curated collection--Migrants, Grant 15058, Migrants--Children--Ireland, Non-governmental organizations, Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children (CADIC), Immigrant Council of Ireland, and Curated collection--Denise Charlton
Grant 15058
Immigrant Council of Ireland
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies