Grant request summary for grantee application G-07901 by Galway University Foundation


Galway University Foundation received funding from Atlantic for several projects such as the centre for Disability Law and Policy [CDLP] at the National University of Ireland, Galway [NUIG]. Research conducted at CDLP is placed at the disposal of the disability community in Ireland and abroad. Specifically, the centre’s work is to conduct high-quality research on a range of disability policy challenges of critical importance to people with disabilities. It also focuses on providing research that will not only point out problems in policy but offer solutions. The centre’s “compass for change” is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2001, Professor Gerard Quinn, formed an informal research unit on disability law and policy at NUIG. The formation of the CDLP coincides with one of the most intensive periods of disability law reform in Ireland as well as internationally.

An eight-page long document produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies’ staff detailing grant 07901 titled Centre for Research in Biomedical Engineering Science Construction. Contents include problems to be addressed, how the proposed grantee would address the problem, reasons for recommending support to the grantee, negatives, and risks of the grant, evaluation plans, previous grants a project description, and expected outcomes.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Galway University Foundation, Curated collection--Education, Curated collection--Knowledge application, Grant 07901, Biomedical engineering--Research, Charity organization, and National University of Ireland, Galway
Grant 07901
Galway University Foundation
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies