Logic model for grantee application G-14181 by Disability Action Northern Ireland [DANI]


Disability Action are a Northern Ireland [DANI] charity who work with people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, sensory disabilities, hidden disabilities and mental health disabilities. The organisation’s vision is a society which is inclusive, adapts to meet the needs of people with disabilities, rather than one that expects them to fit in. Their work is dedicated to improve the rights of disabled people. Disability Action Northern Ireland is a registered charity that originated in the 1950s.

In 2005, The Atlantic Philanthropies awarded £1,540,000 to Disability Action Northern Ireland. The grant titled Strategy for Achieving Human Rights was to enhance the capacity of Disability Action Northern Ireland to influence policy in order to promote the rights of disabled people in Northern Ireland.

A one-page long document in landscape format containing a table that charts inputs, activities, outputs, short term outcome, medium term outcome and long term outputs. The document is produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies' staff to detail grantee project G-14181 that seeks to establish a strategy for achieving human rights.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Disability Action Northern Ireland, Curated collection--Human rights, Curated collection--Disability, Grant 14181, Disability awareness, http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh2006006221, Nonprofit organizations, and Curated collection--Monica Wilson
Grant 14181
Disability Action Northern Ireland
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies