Grant proposal to The Atlantic Philanthropies by Immigrant Council of Ireland [ICI] and Coalition Against Deportation of Irish Children [CADIC]


In 2006, The Atlantic Philanthropies awarded €382,000 to the Immigrant Council of Ireland to ensure a transparent and fair residency renewal and family reunification process for the immigrant parents of Irish born children by providing on-going support to Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children [CADIC].

The ten-page long document details the proposal by the Immigrant Council of Ireland [ICI] and Coalition Against Deportation to The Atlantic Philanthropies proposing for on-going support to ensure transparent and fair residency renewal and family reunification process for the immigrant parents of Irish born children. The grant proposal includes organisational mission and project context, intended outcomes, activities and evidence base, evaluation and dissemination, grantee operating model and competencies as well as risks and mitigation.
text and grant proposals
Immigrant Council of Ireland, 2001-
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Immigration Council of Ireland, Curated collection--Human rights, Curated collection--Migrants, Grant 15058, Migrants--Children--Ireland, Non-governmental organizations, Coalition Against the Deportation of Irish Children (CADIC), and Curated collection--Denise Charlton
Grant 15058
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies