Funding proposal to The Atlantic Philanthropies by Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme in March 2014


Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme supports cities, counties and towns across Ireland to prepare for the rapid ageing of our population by paying increased attention to the environmental, economic and social factors that influence the health and well-being of older adults. Age-friendly programmes work to provide walkable streets, housing and transportation options, access to key services and opportunities for older people to participate in community activities. By doing so, these communities are better equipped to become great places, and where appropriate lifelong homes, for people of all ages.

IIn 2014, Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd was given €178,426.00 for a project titled Older People Remaining at Home (OPRAH). With this funding the programme was promote systems change towards independent living for frail older people by supporting demonstration and evaluation of a national initiative - Older People Remaining at Home [OPRAH].

The twenty-two-page long document details the proposal to the Atlantic Philanthropies by Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme for the Older People Remaining at Home [OPRAH] project. Some sensitive information has been redacted by Cornell University Library who holds the original record.
text and business records
Ireland's Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ldt., 2013-
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Ireland's Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme, Curated collection--Communities, Curated collection--Senior citizens, Grant 23234, Population aging, Non-governmental organizations, Older people--Housing, Older people--Services for, Retirement, Places of, and Curated collection--John Coonan
Grant 23234
Ireland's Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
The material is copyright of either Cornell University, The Atlantic Philanthropies, or where listed, the original authors or commissioning bodies. This collection is being made available under CC BY-NC-ND license, which allows users to access the material as long as the original copyright holder is credited; the material cannot be changed in any way or used commercially.
Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies