Transcript of oral history interview by Bertus Rima


Bertus Karel Rima, also known as Bert Rima, was born in The Netherlands and educated at the Technological University of Delft in chemical engineering and biotechnology. He then pursued Ph.D. studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in bacterial and phage genetics. He came to Queens University in Belfast in 1974 and was appointed Professor of Molecular Biology in 1993. His main research interest is to apply molecular biological and genetic techniques to virology and infectious diseases in general. He has an interest in human viruses (mumps and measles) as well as animal viruses such as rinderpest, canine distemper, and seal and dolphin morbilliviruses. He has published a book, over 160 refereed papers and invited reviews has been awarded the Silver Medal for Biochemistry from the Royal Irish Academy in 1994, elected Fellow of the Institute of Biology in 1997, and Member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2002.

Twenty-page-long transcript of the oral history interview given by Bertus Rima, conducted by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of Ireland in 2020.
text and transcripts
Digital Repository of Ireland, 2015 -
Curated collection--Oral histories, Curated collection--Education, Curated collection--Knowledge application, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Queen's University of Belfast Foundation, Curated collection--Bertus Rima, Queen's University of Belfast, Grant 21673, Grant 11836, Medicine--Research, Embedded computer systems, and Charity organization
Grant 21673 and Grant 11836
Queen's University of Belfast Foundation
Year of Grant:
2003 and 2012
Location of Grantee:
Copyright is with DRI and Bertus Rima. Please see license for reuse.
Digital Repository of Ireland and The Atlantic Philanthropies