Oral history interview of John Coonan


John Coonan is a member of the Kilkenny Age-Friendly Seniors’ Forum and Kilkenny Age Friendly Alliance, a community worker in the Kilkenny city area, and a member of Kilkenny county council.

The sixty-eight-minute long oral history interview was conducted by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of Ireland in 2020., In this interview, John Coonan reflects on how he got involved with the Kilkenny Age Friendly Senior forum and the forums' relationship to the Age-Friendly Cities and Counties Programme which received funding from The Atlantic Philanthropies. John explains how the programme is principled by the World Health Organisation's recommendation for senior citizens' active involvement in society. He talks about how Kilkenny’s Age-Friendly Recognition Scheme set up a training programme for businesses and public services to champion age-friendliness such as general awareness, designated parking in shops and hospitals, seating and facilities for public convenience, improved bus services, and assistance for shopping and commuting., and This recording contains the personal views of the participants, they do not reflect the views of the DRI.
audio and oral histories (literary works)
Digital Repository of Ireland, 2015 -
Curated collection--Oral histories, Curated collection--Communities, Curated collection--Senior citizen, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Ireland's Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme, Curated collection--John Coonan, Grant 22073, Grant 23234, Population aging, Older people--Housing, Older people--Services for, City planning, Retirement, Places of, and Non-governmental organizations
Grant 22073 and Grant 23234
Ireland's Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme
Location of Grantee:
Dublin and 2013
Copyright is with DRI and John Coonan. Please see license for reuse.
Digital Repository of Ireland and The Atlantic Philanthropies